Harper is now 5 weeks old. It's amazing how time flies when she is here, but while pregnant time was too slow. I'll honestly cry at every major point in her life, and think about when we first brought her home. Since I've been pregnant I've been so emotional, and now that she is in the world I'm even more emotional and will forever be. But this is good! I use to suck at expressing emotion...now it comes naturally. (Jordan just smiles whenever I say "I just want to cry" over anything)
This past weekend Harper was a bit of a "fussy diva". She did not want to be put down, sleep in bassinet, or go to sleep. All she wanted to do was fuss and be held by mommy. Thinking her skin irritation was to blame. I wonder what it's like to be a baby and have an itch, but don't know how to get rid of it...I'd be a fussy diva too. But since we switched to Soy formula and using the cream her skin is clearing up!
hi everybody its Jordan!!!! (he took my computer and wanted to put something)
My energy has increased. I'm not as tired all day like I was in the beginning. I'll take at least one nap while Harper sleeps once a day and go to bed whenever Harper does at night. We live in HER world now, so I have to adjust to her schedule. She wakes up at least once a night now, sometimes twice. It is the hardest at 3AM because nothing but paid programming is on TV and its still completely dark outside. I don't mind getting up at 7AM anymore. It use to be a battle with me. Ever since I began the seasons of Desperate Housewives, I'll feed Harper and watch an episode. That way I'm not as cranky or wanting to go to sleep, so it gives me patience.
Whenever I pick her up after she has been sleeping she scrunches up her body and pokes her butt out.
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