Anticipation is Killing Me
Week 28, Day 5
Honesty time: I've never been a good planner until I got pregnant. As the weeks progress I get more organized and plan everything. My life would be a (even more) stressful lifestyle without my planner. I'm drawing out ideas for nursery, already making things to put into nursery, preparing birth plan, making dates for anything/everything, planning on naps, homework time, when to eat, and so much more. When I think about everything I need to do I begin to get anxiety, but once I spread it out I can actually think straight.
It's crazy to think in twelve weeks baby girl will be here. It's a long time, but then I think about twelve weeks ago and realize how time flew by. When I look back it seems this has gone quickly, but then I look forward and see how much I have left. But with holidays, work, school, moving, decorating, and feasting it will go by in a snap. I'm excited, but at moments I'm freaking out. I can sit down calmly and five minutes later my heart its beating out of my chest. I use to get this feeling before the gun went off at track/cross country meets, scared the living hell out of me.
Jordan and I went to get 4D ultrasounds on Tuesday. Unfortunately, Harper is already showing her personality by being stubborn and refuses to move her position NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO. I downed a Snickers bar and a thing of Orange juice to jump start her, but the tech said she probably already went through it before I got there. Her feet were up towards her forehead (like the ultrasound pictures at 19 weeks) and the umbilical cord was in her face. I did lunges up and down the hallway, Jordan shook up my stomach, and did back exercises....she still wouldn't budge. Good news is we go back on Monday to re-do pictures. Tech told me to watch carefully when she is most active and I've figured out she likes to move about a hour after I eat. I guess all the food makes her move =D
My friend is also pregnant and a week ahead of me. We are all about crafts and DIY projects right now so we made our own maternity t-shirts. "Growing a Little Prince" & "Growing a Little Princess"
Family and I went down to Florida to visit my grandma over fall break. My dad has become very fond of fishing and took my mom and I along with him one morning. Let me tell you, it's more difficult to fish pregnant than I thought because you can't put the rod against stomach to help real in a feisty fish... But here I am with my biggest fish ever. 5lb Bass, yessss
I'm not an early riser. But on this day at 7am I'm sure to have my coffee at hand with my dad. Cheers.